Thursday, July 17, 2008


Wow! I can't believe that my Boy is four today! It seems just like yesterday that he was born. In honor of his special day I would like to share some of my favorite things about him.

1. He is ALL BOY!
2. Loving -He is always worried about every one's feelings.
3. Cuddle Bug - he'll drop almost anything to cuddle with my Mom.
4. Funny - he always knows how to make us laugh.
While these are not the only things we love about him, they are what comes to mind first.

Sage's Favorite Things

1. Cartoons - All kinds
2. Milk - He'll drink it all day long if you let him
3. Chocolate - Just like his Dad
4. Fruit - He'll pick that to eat, over anything else
5. Laughing - He loves to laugh and make others laugh
6. Cuddling- He loves to have our arms wrapped around him
7. Ice Cream - He'd eat it all day if we'd let him, doesn't matter what kind as long as it's cold.

Reflecting on this day, always brings bittersweet memories. Sweet because he was the most amazingly calm baby and bitter because Bryton and Hayden should have been there to welcome their Little Brother into our Family. I'm sure that they took good care of him in Heaven though. He is growing up so fast and I wish I could keep him little forever! To celebrate his Special Day Robert and I are taking him to Sea World for a whole day of fun. Then we'll come home and open presents have Pizza for Dinner and Ice Cream for Dessert.

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