



Social Studies - Road Trip USA from Confessions of a Homeschooler
L. Arts - Literature Units from Confessions of a Homeschooler
Spelling/Grammar - California Excursions grade 5
Science - The Human Body
Math - Primary Mathematics (singapore approach) grade 5
Handwriting - Daily Handwriting Practice
Typing - Typers Island Typing Instructor



L. Arts - California Excursions grade 2
Handwriting - Daily Handwriting Practice
Typing - Typers Island Typing Instructor
Math - Math in Focus grade 2
Social Studies - Road Trip USA from Confessions of a Homeschooler
Science - The Human Body

For Art we do KellyKits which can be found at KelleyKits.com


I have Sage's 4th grade curriculum all picked out.



Social Studies

We'll get a different kit each month

Language Arts


We will also be reading every Chapter book we can get our hands on. I am beyond excited for the new year.

I don't have much to pick out for Aurora since most of her work is done on-site with a teacher but here's what she'll be doing at home with us in 1st grade.


Social Studies
In addition to Ancient Civilizations she be doing Native Americans and Life in Plymouth Colony

She will also be reading the Magic Treehouse books this year

For Art we use Kelly Kits


I finally had time to sit down and pick out Sage and Aurora's 2012-2013 curriculum. I'm really happy with this years choices and cannot wait for the school year to start.

Sage will be doing regular Homeschooling again this year with me at home. I really love the one on one time this gives us and he really thrives off of it.

Sage's Curriculum

Language Arts


Aurora will be participating in the A.I.M Program which means she'll go in two days a week from 8:30 - 2:30 and do all of her Language Arts, Math and Science with an actual class. It will be really good for her to be with the other kids since she is such a social butterfly and she needs the structure.
Aurora's Curriculum

Language Arts
Both Sage and Aurora will be doing Social Studies at home. This year we will learn about the Native Americans and focus on one Tribe a month.
Social Studies

It's going to another great year of Homeschooling and we are all looking forward to it!


I've been doing some research and on Wednesday I meet with my EP(educational partner) to order the curriculum I've chosen for the kids this next school year. I am so excited!


Social Studies





I ended up changing everything in the first month. For Language Arts we did Reading a-z and Harcourt Signatures. We stuck with Handwriting without Tears and changed to Story of the World for History and Young Scientist Kits for Science.

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