Sunday, November 1, 2015


 I'm finally catching up with pictures. I've been extremely forgetful about our blog.

 Houdini loved getting into things. Oh, how I miss him.

We learned about the mechanics and science behind roller coasters using plumbing insulation and marbles. Of course, Houdini had to be right in the middle of it.

 We built roller coasters out of marble mazes. I loved teaching this unit. 

 Cuddle time with Simba and Tiger.

 Sage got new glasses. He looks so grown up.

 We celebrated Back to The Future Day by making Flux Capacitors for Art

 I spoiled myself and had my friend Shawna make me a birthday cake. Easily the best
birthday cake known to man.

 It was a great birthday!

 Happy Halloween from Zombie Sage and Aurora the Bumblebee