Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thirty One Life Lessons

Today I turn thirty-one. I can't believe it. When I was a teenager I remember thinking that people in their thirties were OLD and didn't like to have fun. While I'm not sure that any of that is true for all thirty-somethings I know that I am a fun-loving, silly, thirty-one year old Mommy who loves to be silly with the kids and teenagers in her life.

In honor of my birthday I thought I would post thirty-one life lessons I've learned over the years.

1. It's perfectly fine to make mistakes. It's the best way to learn.

2. We are responsible for making our own happiness.

3. Silence is golden and essential to my sanity.

4. We must first love ourselves if we are to truly be loved by others.

5. You will never be "100%" ready for things in life, so trust your instincts.

6. Life is short, live it right.

7. Change is good; hard.... but good.

8. It's important to dream.

9. Time spent stressing over anything is time wasted.

10. Never let fear control you.

11. Choose wisely how and with who you spend your time.

12. Less is more. Say and buy less, listen more.

13. Choose your friends carefully.

14. We don't need much (stuff) to be happy.

15. By loving ourselves we become better friends, partners, parents and all around better people.

16. Serve others and let them serve you.

17. Enjoy and savor every moment.

18. We are stronger and more resilient than we think we are.

19. Never sell yourself short.

20. Complaining, criticizing, and gossiping are a waste of time.

21. Stop being a victim and be a leader.

22. Forgiveness is easier than we think.

23. It's easier to find fault in others much easier than seeing the faults in ourselves.

24. Naps are good. It's okay to sleep in, sometimes.

25. When you feel nervous, stressed or anxious get on your knees and pray.

26. Everyone has the need and/or desire to create something.

27. When you passionately believe in something it can and will change you.

28. Learn to say no. If you don't want to do something - go to a party, accept an obligation, meet someone- just say "no, thank you." You don't owe anyone an excuse or explanation.

29. Never give unsolicited advice! I can guarantee you that it is not wanted or needed.

30. Stop rushing through life. Slow down and enjoy it.

31. Don't ever let a day go by without telling your loved ones you love them and how much they mean to you.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guess What?!?

We're moving!!!!! We'll be staying in California, in fact we're only moving 4.5 miles from where we are now. We are really excited for this amazing adventure.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Me, Myself and I

I was reading my favorite Homeschool Blog this morning and found a great article. It's so nice to know that I am not alone in my feelings. Here's the article from Latter-day Homeschooling(click HERE for the link).

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

All Sewn Up

Aurora is seriously the craziest, cutest, most adorable, brave little girl I know. She fell off her bed yesterday and had to be taken to the ER to get 4 stitches in her chin. She didn't cry once and told everyone that she was going to be scar twins with her Mommy.

After she got home she said "Mom, I'm basically the coolest Princess Superhero ever! I didn't even cry or anything!". She definitely keeps us laughing and we are blessed to have her in our family.

Monday, October 8, 2012


We had the opportunity to have our cousin Gabby spend a whole week with us. We packed in as much fun as we could. We went shopping, swimming, saw two movies, went to the beach and spent a lot of time laughing and just being silly. She is seriously one of my most favorite people in the whole world.

We can't wait to spend more time with her in March!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

My Little Pony Invitation

I had the opportunity to make Gabby's birthday invites today. This is what I came up with. I picked  the birthday girl up from school today and she approved the design. I'm glad that she loved it!